Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Computer...and more

Well, my old PC lasted a very long time, but finally the motherboard 'gave up the ghost' a couple of weeks ago. I had to replace the whole computer (lots of things are breaking at the same time around here! See below) and in the process got a really small box with lots more memory on the hard drive and on the motherboard. Doesn't seem that much faster yet, but then, it's also running Windows 7, which is 2 generations past the XP I was using before.

The really, really frustrating thing is that even though I had a 'backup' of 'everything' on my old hard drive, I haven't yet figured out how to retrieve all my old emails and old contacts from the backup...but I hope I will!

In addition, over the last several weeks, these things have all broken down or had to be replaced...

  • Our heating/air system first burned up its squirrel-cage fan, which had to be replaced to the tune of over $200...but then the thing had a freon leak, which resulted in a power bill over $500 for last month, and the leak could be fixed but not guaranteed, leading me to have to replace the whole heat pump system...and even though they added freon yesterday, the house is cold again today, and I'm out of firewood to use in the Buck stove insert!
  • BJ had a minor wreck in his car, but since it was so old, the damage totalled it. So he's been driving one of my vehicles...he was driving my truck, and it quit on's sitting in his yard in Kennesaw.
  • And he was driving my little convertible, and a friend of his backed into it, doing some body damage that I HOPE she will fix...
  • And now he's called me to say that the convertible is 'acting funny' and having to be jumped off, but this AM when he jumped it off, a friend's car's battery terminals were labeled backwards, so he hooked things up wrong, and now THAT car's on the side of the road somewhere in ATL...
  • Not to mention that I had to replace an eye on the stove...
  • And I haven't found the printer drivers for our computer printer yet!

Can you sense my frustration?

Oh well, that's life. You deal with it.

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